
Showing posts from July, 2021

Downloade Justiss And Graver By Becca Fanning Pdf Ebook

Downloade Justiss And Graver By Becca Fanning Pdf Ebook Genre : Paranormal ,Books ,Romance Monogamy is good.  These bear shifter bikers are bad. Justiss was supposed to be celebrating at this Nomads MC party in his honor. Instead he was bleeding out, his life slipping away. Revenge would come, but first drastic measures were called for. Graver stood over his MC brother, ready to make the ultimate sacrifice.  A bond that would never be broken, but  what would happen if a woman got between them? This full length bear shifter paranormal romance menage novel has all the action, steam and true love that only a Fated Mates story can deliver! Review: Downloade Justiss And Graver By Becca Fanning Pdf Ebook Genre : Paranormal ,Books ,Romance Monogamy is good.  These bear shifter bikers are bad. Justiss was supposed to be celebrating at this Nomads MC party in his honor. Instead he was bleeding out, his life slipping away. Revenge would come, but first drastic measures were call

Downloaden Brandon Sanderson'S White Sand By Brandon Sanderson Julius Gopez Pdf Ebook

Downloaden Brandon Sanderson'S White Sand By Brandon Sanderson Julius Gopez Pdf Ebook Genre : Stripromans ,Boeken ,Strips en stripromans A brand new saga of magic and adventure by #1 New York Times best-selling author Brandon Sanderson! On the planet of Taldain, the legendary Sand Masters harness arcane powers to manipulate sand in spectacular ways. But when they are slaughtered in a sinister conspiracy, the weakest of their number, Kenton, believes himself to be the only survivor. With enemies closing in on all sides, Kenton forges an unlikely partnership with Khriss -- a mysterious Darksider who hides secrets of her own. Review: Braddddley Short Interesting but not near the level of Sanderson’s other cosmere works. Also quite short (2 hour read) cheese(seriously) Short, but good It was a little shorter than I wanted it to be, and ended on a cliffhanger, but it was well written and had a very unique magic. Good and refreshing. joeb44 Comic book Hard to follow, jumbled piece

Letoltes Punkt Uderzenia By Marko Kloos Pdf Ebook

Letoltes Punkt Uderzenia By Marko Kloos Pdf Ebook Genre : Science Fiction ,Books ,Sci-Fi & Fantasy ,Science Fiction & Literature ,Adventure Może i ludzkość wygrała bitwę, ale wojna wciąż trwa...   Siły zbrojne Ziemi powstrzymały ofensywę Dryblasów i wypchnęły ich okręty z Układu Słonecznego, ale Andrew Grayson wcale nie uważa wojny za zakończoną. Dryblasy nadal mają własne plany, a przecież podczas wojny przeciwnik nie czeka, aż druga strona się uzbroi. Co zmieniło sytuację Ziemi? Nowoczesne okręty i broń, zaprojektowane do zabijania Dryblasów, pozwalają ludzkości walczyć na równych zasadach z potężnymi wrogami. Andrew i jego żona Halley, obciążeni ciężarem dowodzenia oraz troską o życie podkomendnych, znaleźli się w awangardzie przygotowań do nowej fazy wojny. Na Marsie trwa wypłaszanie ogromnych najeźdźców z podziemnych nor, co w niepokojącym tempie zbiera żniwo w żołnierzach i sprzęcie. Jednocześnie nie zniknęło niebezpieczeństwo dla kolonii pozaukładowych. Grayson

Letoltes By Jo Nesb Pdf Ebook

Letoltes By Jo Nesb Pdf Ebook Genre : Crime & Thrillers ,Books ◎ 系列全球銷量2,600萬冊,版權賣出40餘國 ◎ 紐約時報排行榜Top6、出版人週刊排行榜Top10、洛杉磯時報排行榜Top10、獨立書商協會排行榜Top8 你怕死,你的身體正在散發一種味道,你有沒有聞到? 那是腎上腺素的味道,在老人院和屠宰場都聞得到。 這是凡人恐懼的氣味。 這是個恨警察的季節…… 他的恨意來自於愛。 是愛,讓他願意付出任何代價、不擇手段…… 在前一集《幽靈》的最後,哈利.霍勒中槍倒地,生死未卜,讓喜愛他的讀者全都緊張地屏息以待,想知道哈利是否能在《警察》這集存活下來?奈斯博在最新的這本系列作裡,再次充分發揮了他多線並行、峰迴路轉的說故事技巧,以及營造恐怖懸疑氣氛的功力,以往的重要配角紛紛出場,之前系列曾提及的劇情伏筆也在本書一一揭曉,罪犯心理的偏執瘋狂,權力人士的貪婪算計,這次還有誰能力挽狂瀾? 一名高大男子躺在國立醫院重症病房,陷入昏迷,據說他掌握著奧斯陸販毒集團的內幕消息,如果他醒來,提供的線索不只能將毒梟一網打盡,甚至能揭穿警界、政界跟販毒集團勾結的黑幕。他的身分不能透露,他的名字諱莫如深,連病房門口全天候看守的警察都無權知道。然而,有人希望他永遠別醒過來。 與此同時,奧斯陸出現了一個「警察殺手」,凶手下手狠毒,被害者死狀殘忍。每一名遇害警察死亡的地點和日期,過去也曾發生過命案,至今未破,而且死者都是當初負責偵辦那些懸案的成員。這顯然不是巧合。隨著警察屍體一具具增加,凶手的殺人手法跟原始命案越來越像,技術也越來越純熟。 這是當年殺人凶手的復出重演,在過去的命案現場殺人?還是有人要懲罰辦案不力的警察?一場接一場的嗜血殺戮,讓警界面臨沉重的破案壓力,也激起警、政高層的血腥政治角力。犯罪特警隊隊長甘納.哈根、鑑識中心主任貝雅特.隆恩、鑑識員畢爾.侯勒姆,曾經和哈利一起偵辦雪人案的卡翠娜.布萊特,以及心理醫師史戴.奧納,組成了一個特別任務小組,誓言要找出神祕的連續殺警犯。只是,他們心裡都很清楚,少了哈利.霍勒的任務小組,再也無法像以前一樣創造奇蹟了。但他們不知道的是,他們之中有人將成為下一個遭殘殺的目標…… Review: Letoltes By Jo Nesb Pdf E

Download No Te Esqueas De Mim By Mhairi Mcfarlane Pdf Ebook

Download No Te Esqueas De Mim By Mhairi Mcfarlane Pdf Ebook Genre : Fiction & Literature ,Books ,Literary ,Romance ,Romantic Comedy «Um romance de época extremamente bem escrito, com protagonistas realistas e diálogos espirituosos e divertidos.» - Library Journal Lady Betsy Wilde é a filha mais velha do Duque de Lindow. A sua mãe, a segunda mulher do duque, fugiu com um conde prussiano quando Betsy era bebé. Para afastar a má reputação que herdou da mãe, Betsy reprime os seus impulsos mais selvagens e apresenta uma imagem recatada e perfeitamente polida durante a sua primeira temporada social. Desempenha o papel com tanto sucesso que atrai dezenas de pretendentes, recebendo uma proposta de casamento de um duque com uma excelente reputação. Mas, antes de casar, Betsy anseia por uma última aventura. Nenhum cavalheiro concordaria com o seu plano escandaloso, mas Lorde Jeremy Roden não é um cavalheiro. É um libertino sarcástico e pecaminoso. Ambos decidem fazer uma aposta. Se Betsy

Scarica Supercharlie Och Bajsexplosionen By Camilla Lckberg Pdf Ebook

Scarica Supercharlie Och Bajsexplosionen By Camilla Lckberg Pdf Ebook Genre : Bambini ,Libri Hjälp Super-Charlie – bli en hjälte du också! Camilla Läckberg är en stolt och engagerad ambassadör för Barncancerfonden. Därför skänker hon 10 % av sina intäkter från den här boken till forskningen om barncancer. Tack för att du köper boken och är med och bidrar! Hejdlös bilderbokshumor! Super-Charlies familj är på semester i soliga Spanien. Allt skulle kunna vara perfekt ... Men tyvärr är Super-Charlies lillasyster Polly mitt uppe i kiss- och bajsåldern, deras pappa riktigt usel på spanska, och mormor snart mystiskt försvunnen. Super-Charlie måste vinka adjö till lugna dagar vid poolen och ta sig an ett nytt mysterium i semesterparadiset. Super-Charlie och bajsexplosionen är den tionde fristående boken om barnens egen superhjälte, den kaxige Super-Charlie. Deckardrottningen Camilla Läckberg har inspirerats av livet i sin egen brokiga småbarnsfamilj, som känns igen i bilden. Med illustratör

Ladda Ner Wolf Of Sight By Quinn Loftis Leslie Mckee Pdf Ebook

Ladda Ner Wolf Of Sight By Quinn Loftis Leslie Mckee Pdf Ebook Genre : Paranormal ,Böcker ,Romantik ,Sci-fi och fantasy ,Fantasy ,Paranormalt To become a witch or not to become a witch? That is the question. At least that’s the question Kara, Heather, and Stella, three of the gypsy healers, are facing.  The high fae ambassador, Perizada, the healers, and a host of wolves are in a race against time to create the witch army that Volcan desires. But they must also keep the gypsy healers, beings of pure light and goodness, from becoming evil in the process. Should be a piece of cake. Meanwhile, the werewolf males are fighting their innate hunger to mark their mates and finish the Blood Rites, thereby keeping their own darkness at bay. If they remain unbound, a chink forms in the packs’ armor, one that Volcan won’t hesitate to exploit when he finds it. Review: ZuMaMoJi Amazing! I love all of the books! This one kept me guessing. Loved the relationship developments. I can’t wait to see

Ladda Ner Arcanum Unbounded By Brandon Sanderson Pdf Ebook

Ladda Ner Arcanum Unbounded By Brandon Sanderson Pdf Ebook Genre : Episk ,Böcker ,Sci-fi och fantasy ,Fantasy ,Noveller ,Historisk ,Skönlitteratur ,Noveller Welcome to New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller Brandon Sanderson's first collection of short fiction. These wonderful works, originally published individually, have been collected for the first time and convey the true expanse of the Cosmere. Telling the exciting tales of adventure Sanderson fans have come to expect, Arcanum Unbounded include the Hugo Award-winning novella 'The Emperor's Soul', an excerpt from the graphic novel 'White Sand', and the never-before-published Stormlight Archive novella 'Edgedancer'. The collection will include nine works in all: 'Edgedancer' ( Stormlight Archive ) 'The Hope of Elantris' ( Elantris ) 'The Eleventh Metal' ( Mistborn ) 'The Emperor's Soul' ( Elantris ) 'Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania' (excerp